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Тему розпочав користувач mannmitbrille

mannmitbrille wasd
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16 зображення
AK Land not fit Rover 88View album, image #1
1:35 Land Rover 88 (AK Interactive AK35014)
24 7 March 2024, 11:26
Very 😎 make sure you put it in a dipper
Those things always leak oile
 16 March 2024, 08:24
mannmitbrille wasd Автор
Thanks, first worry: the fit is all over the place,…
 16 March 2024, 08:41
Kit engineering looks complicated so I'm not surprised that fit is terrible.
 16 March 2024, 09:05
Lol yes it may fit and good progress
Sure to follow
But yes those things do leak oils
 16 March 2024, 09:34
Fantastic work on the damaged paintwork.
 4 June 2024, 08:22
Robert Podkoński
 4 June 2024, 10:12
@Jv they don't losing oil - they are marking their territory ^^
 4 June 2024, 11:43

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