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Тему розпочав користувач stephjay

Stéphane Jayet
додав новий фотоальбом.
20 зображення
Citroën Xsara WRC 2001View album, image #20
1:24 Citroen Xsara T4 WRC 2001 (Heller 80769)
27 31 March 2024, 16:07
Ooh! I've been driving the '05 Xsara on WRC9 and been thinking ahout building one of these. Definatley following.
 1 April 2024, 23:18
Stéphane Jayet Автор
@bossy, this is a low quality kit and few parts, but this car only exists from Heller....
 1 April 2024, 23:48
Yup. Curious to see if you add any details.
 2 April 2024, 01:46
George Williams
 2 April 2024, 12:40
bruno egral
Ah, la Xsara Heller ! Un vrai défi 😉 ! Bravo pour le résultat.
 22 July 2024, 04:38
Stéphane Jayet Автор
Merci Bruno
 22 July 2024, 08:32

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