Тему розпочав користувач Wildpoeper

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29 29 May 2024, 13:05

Also btw the smaller Panther ausf.G is from the Italeri World of Tanks kit 🙂
29 May 2024, 13:33

I agree with Gorby. Great Paintjob & weathering 👍
Looking forward to see the Dio
21 September 2024, 11:03

I did in fact, and it has been finished for 3 months now. Kinda forgot about the photos XD I will make them ASAP 🙂
17 February, 12:48

A wonderful build. Great paint and you have a great eye for weathering details. Nothing to critique on your modelling skills in my opinion, although I would say the antennae/ariel is a bit thin. They were unsprung and quite thick on Panthers and King Tigers
2 20 February, 21:05