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Su-30SM Mihaly Ace Combat 7View album, image #2
Проект: Su-30SM Mihaly
1:48 Su-30SM "Flanker-H" (Great Wall Hobby L4830)
20 2 July 2024, 07:00
Igor Zhuravlev
Stunning paintjob. It's not the kit scheme, is it?
 2 July 2024, 07:32
Harry Автор
Thanks! You're right, this is not kit scheme. The decals are custom ordered.
 2 July 2024, 07:34
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Wow, such a beauty. Very stunning model, Harry! 👍
 2 July 2024, 07:41
Wonderful colors! 👍👍
 2 July 2024, 08:44
Incredible work and great finish! Well done 😊
 2 July 2024, 09:58
Harry Автор
Thanks! Great to see you all!
 2 July 2024, 17:09
Outstanding work!! Excellent job on the nose cone - fuselage join as well.
 22 August 2024, 20:06

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