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Тему розпочав користувач Skorzak

додав новий фотоальбом.
42 зображення
Humber MKIIView album, image #37
Проект: Humber Mk.II
1:76 Humber Mk.II (Revell 03289)
18 7 July 2024, 23:41
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
 8 July 2024, 01:21
Great progress..
 23 July 2024, 01:40
Marcin Dudek
 23 July 2024, 04:38
Andy Dallibar
Built this in the 70s, used it in my military base along with some choice matchbox cars. Well, I was only 10.
Come to think of it, my profile picture is of the same period in time.
 23 July 2024, 04:54
You are rocking this build! Well done.
 8 August 2024, 01:43
Chris Автор
Thank you, I am honored!
 8 August 2024, 01:48
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 8 August 2024, 17:23
Marcin Dudek
Greate job and nice presentation 👍
 9 August 2024, 09:15

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