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Тему розпочав користувач AlexDAlexeev

Alexander Alexeev
додав новий фотоальбом.
15 зображення
Steyr Type 1500A/01View album, image #5
Проект: Steyr Type 1500A/01
1:35 Steyr Type 1500A/01 (Tamiya 35305)
12 21 July 2024, 07:41
Very well done! Will there be a dio and figures?
 21 July 2024, 09:13
 21 July 2024, 09:22
Alexander Alexeev Автор
Figures will stay in the kit for the future. I have no good skill in painting them)
 21 July 2024, 09:45
 21 July 2024, 09:45
Guy Rump
Very nice build! 👍
 21 July 2024, 12:20
Anyone who can create this sublime piece can definitely do figures - with enough time, practice, and a lot of bad words! 😀
 21 July 2024, 15:45
Alexander Alexeev Автор
Bad words are the main component, I think)
 21 July 2024, 16:40

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