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Тему розпочав користувач Skorzak

додав новий фотоальбом.
16 зображення
Deep Space 9View album, image #13
1:3300 Deep Space Nine Space Station (AMT/ERTL 8778)
9 28 July 2024, 23:51
Impressive model (even though I've no idea what it is as I didn't see the show 😳 ).
 29 July 2024, 10:58
Love the hanging display! DS9 looks incredible and the detail on those runabouts is awesome 🙂
 27 January, 21:36
Dave Flitton
 27 January, 22:46
It's all fun and games, until a Cardassian space station falls from the ceiling and hits your head! 🤪
4  27 January, 23:41
Chris Автор
She is hanging on two fishing-ropes. I hope they last a long time and one secures the other in case ...
1  28 January, 13:28

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