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Тему розпочав користувач Stormtrooper000

Bill Mathews
додав новий фотоальбом.
35 зображення
Wild Weasel View album, image #23
Проект: wild weasel
1:48 F-105G Thunderchief (HobbyBoss 80333)
64 16 September 2024, 10:21
Sergej I
Wow, what a bash this is promising to be 👍
 18 September 2024, 11:07
Eric Thornton
Ohhhh following 👍
 18 September 2024, 13:28
Ray Loch
Thumbs Up
 19 September 2024, 00:20
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat. Lots of extras.
 19 September 2024, 05:12
Roger Lustenberger
Definatly grabing a seat. Popcorn ready, lets go.
 19 September 2024, 11:02
Can you use that clear gorilla glue on clear parts or does it fog?
 19 September 2024, 11:10
Maciej Bellos
 19 September 2024, 12:51
Bill Mathews Автор
Skyhiker - I've never used it for that , just as an alternative to 2pack epoxy glue . I'll try it out on something as I recall someone saying you could use it for canopies
 19 September 2024, 18:40
Sitting down with popcorn
 19 September 2024, 20:18
Bill Mathews Автор
For Skyhiker - clear gorilla glue on a 109 canopy . No fogging (but admittedly it wasn't in an enclosed area to concentrate any fumes ) looks like it will be fine - but gorilla glue takes a VERY LONG time to cure - overnight . It will move and self level if you use a lot of it
 20 September 2024, 10:19
Thanks Bill. That glue is interesting to see. Perhaps it's another tool in the kit to consider.
 22 September 2024, 04:16
Excellent work!
 20 October 2024, 08:51
Ray Loch
Stunning Work
 21 October 2024, 00:14
Michael Kohl
Very nice.
 21 October 2024, 07:46
Agree with everyone, this is one gorgeous Thud! I simply love the restrained weathering depicting a well cared for weaesel!
 21 October 2024, 07:58
Eric Thornton
Super build, the paint job is really nice!
 21 October 2024, 13:17
Awesome bird! I like your model, Bill! 👍
 21 October 2024, 13:25
Hey Bill, I have a question regarding the blue Nichiban Tape on picture 15. Does it have a certain name or number? Can't find that exact one online! Best regards from Germany. Cheers, Sebastian
 21 October 2024, 15:36
Bill Mathews Автор
S B - nichiban 227H15 (15mm x 18m rolls - 8 per pack) from amazon (japan) AU$17 a pack (free delivery with prime 🙂 )
there are a few different sizes and colours ( blue or yellow has apparently the right "sticky-ness" for us to use on models - blue works just right for my taste)
 21 October 2024, 21:39
Thank you very much, Bill! That'll help! 👍 Happy modelling!
 22 October 2024, 03:56
Great build, fantastic result 👍
 22 October 2024, 06:05
Rui S
A Beauty, indeed 👍
 22 October 2024, 20:27
Desert Marlin
excellent finish!!!
 23 October 2024, 00:02

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