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Тему розпочав користувач Scorp

Jean Tchao
додав новий фотоальбом.
42 зображення
47 BC - Romans & Gauls RiotView album, image #1
1:72 Gaul Warriors (Italeri 6022)1:72 Roman Infantry (Italeri 6047)1:72 Ancient German (Caesar Miniatures H040)11+
17 15 December 2024, 14:37
Alex K
Sacré boulot - par Toutatis! 👍
 15 December 2024, 15:46
WOW! It really conveys the chaos of ancient battles.
 15 December 2024, 16:12
That's a lot of work, so many different things going on.
 15 December 2024, 17:28
Jean Tchao Автор
Thanks to all ! as Chaos is mentioned it was real chaos on my desk during this project so many hours I spent to reshape all figurines in order to have different poses ! 🙂
 15 December 2024, 20:16
Moreno Baruffini
Wonderful 👍🏼 , a super realistic effect!
 15 December 2024, 20:48
Shar Dipree
Great work 👍
 15 December 2024, 21:20
Łukasz Gliński
Highly impressive 👍 All figures look very real 👍
 15 December 2024, 21:35
Il est fou le romain qui a peint cette scènette!!!
1  15 December 2024, 22:09
Jean Tchao Автор
Merci ! du temps et beaucoup de potion magique 🙂
 16 December 2024, 10:40
Alec K
Just wow!!
 16 December 2024, 17:01
Jean Tchao Автор
Thanks !
 16 December 2024, 19:12
great detailed work, i particularly like the painting of the shields and armor
 16 December 2024, 22:18
Rui S
I like it too 👍
 16 December 2024, 22:21
Well done! Even a testudo appears ..........👍
 17 December 2024, 09:03
Jean Tchao Автор
Thanks you all. As a matter of facts some roman shields and gauls ones have decals I made from historical pictures.
1  17 December 2024, 10:46

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