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How come that some of the items i have listed for sale show "price not yet provided" in the newsfeed, but when i look at them in my for sale listing do show the price i put in when i listed them for sale? Am i doing something wrong?
How come that some of the items i have listed for sale show "price not yet provided" in the newsfeed, but when i look at them in my for sale listing do show the price i put in when i listed them for sale? Am i doing something wrong?
16 December 2024, 09:52

OK i have just listed (12:14) Profile 216 (petlyakov Pe-2) for sale.
In the new feed it shows as "price not yet provided".
Now when i look at the page for Profile 216 (Book: Petlyakov Pe-2 (by Malcolm Passingham, Waclaw Klepacki))
It also shows as no price provided in the news feed section, however just above it in the marketplace section it shows my listing with price.
So there is something not quite right i think.
I hope this helps to find the problem.
18 December 2024, 11:22

this if fixed! this was a nasty bug and I am super happy this was fixed.
this is true for all NEW items as well as the 60+ existing newsfeed items from PlasticWolf
(for others, if you are impacted: move item to stash and back to for sale fixes it)
19 December 2024, 12:12

according to scalemates.com/messages.php?thread=15995010 the kit is for sale. I see the kit in the user for sale section, but when I go to the product page, the user does not appear
23 January, 17:24