Тему розпочав користувач tyu

Hello Scalemates,
I have had a PM from Eddy Mann some time ago to stop editing what he has done but what he is doing is not following the format as currently required by Scalemates.
From Scalemates the instructions how to fill in these fields:
Title: The name of the product as written on the box. "All caps" titles can be changed to normal text (eg. PANAVIA TORNADO can be changed to Panavia Tornado). All indications about time/country/units go to the prefix/postfix fields. In case you are not sure put all in "title"
He keeps on deleting the word "for" while stated on the manufactures packaging, reason unknown. And after a short hiatus he is doing it again. An example he corrected is: A-4M Skyhawk (late with HUD)..Quinta Studio QD48526, 1:48)
It clearly states "for Hasegawa/Hobby 2000 kit", not what is stated in the current title "Hobby 2000/Hasegawa".
Could you please either change the instructions or instruct Eddy Mann to follow your original instructions.
Thank you, TYU
8 January, 20:10

I'm not involved here directly, but in my opinion the Title of this product is only the _bold_ text on the package "A-4M Skyhawk (late with HUD)" (see picture).
The information for which kit it fits ( for Hasegawa/Hobby 2000 kit) is an additional information for the customer, in a different font. In the Scalemates database here we have the much more determinative section "Designed for" which is based on that additional info.
In my personal opinion this kit manufacturer in the post section should be deleted at all, because it _may_ point the user to a wrong understanding.
A short example:
There is often stated in a detail set for a Bf 109 in Postfix "Eduard". But Eduard has different BF 109 kits (E, G, K ...) so this info is simply wrong/not specific enough! In the "Designed for" the correct kit family in linked, where this detail set fits for the correct Profipack/Limited/Weekend family of kits.
So I have never fill the kit as set is for in the Postfix fields if I add one, but make sure those are correctly linked in the "Designed for", as this is more specific and more important to display the correct detail sets below a kit.
I hope my explanation is understandable, otherwise please ask.
1 8 January, 20:33

Hi Bughunter,
so we agree it is all the more reason to have this looked at?
Regards, TYU
8 January, 20:44

Bug /Tim
May I request what happens when you do select the design by field and enter "generic" - what mechanism is set in place. I only ask because I enter a lot of generic aftermarket kits by Micro Master but forget to select the design by field. What are users missing out on if generic is not selected?
Also, take as an example, a 10.5 cm SK L/40 naval gun (10.5 cm SK L/40 (MPL C/04 single mount) if the box art has for example has SMS Emden in the title should I be ticking off every SMS Emden kit? (I could take this further if reputable sources show the gun and mount is generic cross multiple classes of ship not just the one(s) stated by the manufacturer)
8 January, 22:41

I don't know what your problem is, but changing "Trumpeter" to "for Trumpeter" seems rather petty. Why not go all the way with Microdesign items, and put in all the Cyrillic which is shown on the package?
MiG-27M exterior detail set (Microdesign MD 048063, 1:48)
If you want something constructive to do, have a look at all the "Uncategorised" items here.
SCM Search: *
1 9 January, 09:49

@Eddie Mann: I checked one of the items in your link and added information (including "boxart" and even changing name). This item is not released yet according to the producers website. Can you please check if I did it correctly?
Honda Civic EF9 Group N spon..0 (SK Decals SK-24195, 1:24)
I try to check the Contribute menu regularly, but almost never manage to find anything to do, because what's related to cars 1:24 drowns in trains and tanks 😉
1 10 January, 05:53

I am not asking your opinion, I am asking you to adhere to the existing rules. Or ask Tim to design new rules how to fill in these fields. Thats all.
11 January, 10:28

I'll check this thread again when things have calmed down.
Please remember: we all want a better scalemates, so need to argue about such things
4 11 January, 11:15