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Тему розпочав користувач AjH

Andy Hawkins
додав новий фотоальбом.
19 зображення
Heller 1/24 Ferguson Tractor View album, image #1
11 21 January, 17:50
Robert Podkoński
Stunning paintjob/weathering!
 21 January, 18:22
Jan Peters
I agree with Robert, very nice painting and weathering!
What happened with the tyres? It looks like the have a cut/dent in them?
 21 January, 18:27
Andy Hawkins Автор
Hmmm. Not sure why the cut tyres. I hadn't noticed until you mentioned them. I'll take a look and report back. .
 21 January, 18:49
Rui S
Very nice pantjob and weathering 👍
 22 January, 23:04
Mr James
Top class painting and weathering. Excellent work
 22 January, 23:39
Stefan Schacht
Well done, I like the weathering.
 22 January, 23:45
Pietro De Angelis
Beautiful work all around,
truly realistic finiture and weathering,
 22 January, 23:54

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