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Тему розпочав користувач BAT21

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8 зображення
Fw 190 D-9 'Black 10', JG 26, W.Nr. 500618View album, image #1
Проект: Dora 9
1:32 Focke-Wulf Fw190D-9 'Yellow Tail' (Hasegawa 08176)
26 22 January, 16:30
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work.
 22 January, 17:06
Sebastian Meyner
Brilliant work Bat! Absolutely stunning 👍
 22 January, 17:10
BAT21 Автор
Thank you guys.
 22 January, 19:50
 22 January, 20:17
Rui S
Beautiful big bird 👍
 22 January, 22:52
BAT21 Автор
I'm glad you like the 190. Thanks.
 23 January, 06:47
Very beautiful: build and photography!
1  23 January, 10:15
Marco Gallmann
Great work and great pictures
 23 January, 15:43
Dieter Bihlmaier
Große Klasse BAT21! Wie ich sehe bist Du auch im Besitz der tollen JAPO Bücher. Schade, daß der dritte Band nicht erschienen ist.
Great class BAT21! As I see you are also in possession of the great JAPO books. It's a pity that the third volume was not published.
 23 January, 15:57
BAT21 Автор
Well observed - the paintwork is actually based on the interpretation from the Japo book. 👍
 23 January, 19:39

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