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Тему розпочав користувач ketepincho

Alex CB
додав новий фотоальбом.
30 зображення
Kübelwagen Type 82 - completedView album, image #1
Проект: Kübelwagen Type 82
1:35 Kübelwagen Type 82 (Tamiya 35238)
13 23 January 2021, 13:45
Nice Kübel. Now we need some figures and some kind of ground and... 😉
 23 January 2021, 14:28
Olivier is right. Also an aircraft must be added: the license plate indicates "Luftwaffe".
 24 January 2021, 11:16
Rui S
Nice waethering 👍
P.S. Don't Forget the aircraft crew😉
 24 January 2021, 12:17
Alex CB Автор
jajaj well I'm glad I didn't put some "kriegsmarine plate" on it😉 Thanks for your comment guys, you make me laugh 🙂
 25 January 2021, 21:17
Mr James
Nicely done Kubel indeed.
 21 April 2024, 21:38

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