Тему розпочав користувач strobez

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54 19 March 2021, 06:15

Yeah, after wrestling with the 1/72 Connie for a bit, it feels nice to be home. 🙂
19 March 2021, 14:26

back to 144 🙂
i did the revell one as first build after my first modelling "pause"
19 March 2021, 16:09

Is your current pause over yet? There's something comforting about 1/144 scale.
20 March 2021, 06:27

In a flashback scene, the West German pilot Hoover (Kfir) saves the Englishman Benditz (A-4E) from certain death after a MiG-21 gets him in his sights. In gratitude, Benditz offers Hoover a bottle of his favourite German wine, a '76 Steinberger.
It's a neat little scene in the Area 88 manga. Hoover later dies, so Benditz (after being discharged) orders a bottle in Paris and drinks in his memory. At first, the French hotelier is a bit offended that someone would order German wine in France... but she does have a bottle stashed away regardless.
The whole chapter is a touching sidebar story actually. We've never seen Benditz up to that point (he's basically created for the story), but this is an unknown story involving the secondary, but well-known, Hoover. The story follows Benditz's successful discharge from Area 88 after serving his full 3 year mercenary contract and his trip home. Everyone calls him lucky because he's never even been hit, his A-4E is in pristine condition (unlike everyone else's). Then, minutes after finally getting off the plane in Heathrow airport in London, he's stabbed in the chest during a random mugging over a couple of pounds and dies on the floor in a puddle of blood. Meanwhile, back at Area 88, everyone is guessing what "lucky Benditz" must be up to, back in the "real world."
20 March 2021, 15:26

Yes Greg, started building again recently, just a bit...
Have not posted anything yet 🙂
But I am back in my 1/144 project(s), that it was supposed to be finished almost 3 years ago....
20 March 2021, 19:51

im looking forward to se this one finished, 1/144 Kfir's are hard to find these days.
28 March 2021, 09:36

Been away from the bench for a while… started a new job, which has left me a bit out of the rhythm, so I'm trying to get my inspiration back. I figured the best way to do that was just to pick up one of my many half started projects and get to work.
17 November 2022, 05:42

All the best for your new job. - I am sure that your Steinberger project will turn out good 👍
17 November 2022, 06:02

congrats and good luck with the new job. looking forward seeing this one finished. i used the revel 1/144 kfir to return to the hobby after my first break 🙂
17 November 2022, 07:16

Ok… might've got ahead of myself on some of the painting, so I'm clawing it back a bit. I'm going to use the same "paint over the decal to blend it" method I did (much more painfully) on my 1/144 F1 project. It mainly just takes a bit more planning up front on placement and colour selection.
7 July 2023, 06:03

Stage one complete - carefully mask decals and paint over them... only time will tell if the tape will pull the decals off. I'm hopeful that so long as the tape doesn't go over the edge of the decal, some careful removal will do the trick.
12 July 2023, 16:27

Bringing this one down off the shelf of doom too… It's only been a year and a half. Luckily I can refer to these WIP pictures to figure out what's next. I think w're pretty close to being done though. Was able to finally mount all three planes. I'm a bit worried that the placement doesn't really tell the story of the A-4 being rescued from the MiG-21 by the Kfir... but there was limited real estate to work with, so I did what I could.
7 February, 17:53

Thanks gorby! I had a few spare "cotton fireballs" leftover from helping my son build a diorama for school. I knew they'd come in handy. 🙂 I'm more or less done, so stay tuned for some final glamour pics~
1 11 February, 16:58

did you also add LEDs to the smoke? i would be surprised if you did not 😉
11 February, 18:06

That's what I love about posting here. You guys never let me take the easy route... but in the end it's worth it. I also realized in my rush to finish this long-suffering build that there were a few things I'd forgotten about.. like some decals as well. So, we're not quite as done as I thought. Luckily I get paid by the hour...
12 February, 16:40

Wow, it's a very interesting project. I saw the animation 15 years ago and I wanna go over again.
19 February, 07:08

Thanks Xu. The anime is good, but I prefer the manga. If you want to see my other Area 88 projects, and the manga chapters they're based on, feel free to check out my blog - strobez.ca
19 February, 07:37

Thanks Spanjaard. There's a lot going on in the model, so I'll have to take some proper pictures to highlight it. The lit up smoke almost didn't happen. I seem to have run out of large red LEDs, and the white ones didn't really work. It was also more of a pain to insert the LEDs after having completed construction on the MiG-21. Usually I have these things planned more or less from the start. All in all, I think it does work better. So thanks for the little shove. 🙂
19 February, 16:41

Thanks guys. Added a few final pics. This build is now up on my blog (strobez.ca/wp/index...inberger-76-area-88/) - so if you want to read the Area 88 manga chapter that inspired this project, you can find it there.
1 4 March, 22:53