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Military Modelling Vol. 41 No. 10

Military Modelling


Military Modelling
Vol. 41 No. 10 | August 2011


Build Report, 1:35  | Page 16
Porsche's Paper Panzer

by Craig Hiscock
Craig Hiscock builds Dragons kit for the VK 4502 (P)H.

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 24
Das Zwerg Unterseeboot

by Gary Radford
Gary Radford reviews Bronco's Seehund Midget Submarine

Build Report | Page 28
Kins Lifeguard Officer of Foot 1643

by Ian Succamore
Scratch building an officer figure from the English Civil War.

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 34
Satan's Chariot

by Andy Claesns
Trumpeter's Mil-24V Hind E helicopter gunship.

Reference | Page 42
Duxford Military Vehicle Show

by Robin Buckland
Highlights from this years event.

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 45
Miniature Motorbikes

by Mark Bannerman
Great Wall Hobby BMW R75 motorcycle and sidecar.

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 54
Fieseler Fi 156 Storch

by Mark Simmons
Build of the Tristar kit.

Tips & Tricks | Page 62
Painting 1:35 Scale Figures with Acrylics

by Michael McLaughlin
How to represent youth and age in faces.