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Model Aircraft Monthly Volume 07 Issue 01

Model Aircraft Monthly


Model Aircraft Monthly
Volume 07 Issue 01 | January 2008


Editorial | Page 4


Reference | Page 6
Soviet Mitchells

by Vladimir Kotelnikov
The use of the North American B-25 Mitchell in Soviet service in World War II

Build Report | Page 18
For the Blood of Vitebsk

by Mikhail Neradkov
Modifying the Italeri 1/72 scale kit into a B-25D-30 finished in Soviet VVS Great Patriotic War markings
Mitchell B 25 Type B-C World War II Allied Medium Bomber
Italeri 1:72
123 1980 Нова коробка

Reference | Page 22
The Strangled British Beast

by Tony O'Toole
Deion of the operational history of the Curtiss Helldiver in British FAA service.

Build Report | Page 26
The Strangled British Beast - modelling

by Tony O'Toole
Modification of the Accurate Miniatures 1/48 scale SB2C-1C kit into a SBW-1B Helldiver Mk. 1
SB2C-1C Helldiver VB-17 at Rabaul
Accurate Miniatures 1:48
480405 2006 Нові деталі

Build Report | Page 32

by Randy Lutz
Building the new Gavia 1/48th scale kit
Westland Lysander Mk.III
Gavia 1:48
007/0401 2001 Нова прес-форма
Seatbelts RAF WWII
Eduard 1:48
48247 1998 Нова прес-форма

Reference | Page 38
Lysander wakaround and details


Reference | Page 44
Grog's the Shot

by Alastair McQuaid
Story and pictures of a particular Lancaster from No 100 Squadron

Reference | Page 48
Scaled Up - Neptune Warriors

by Des Brennan
Part one of a two part look at "Neptune Warrior", a large NATO managed naval exercise with an emphasis on the air assets at RAF Kinloss

Build Report | Page 52
Bush War Belligerants

by Neil Robinson
Modelling a couple of the aircraft in the Nigerian/Biafran Civil War
MiG 17F
Airfix 1:48
05103 1992 Нові деколі
Ocidental Réplicas 1:48
0211 1999 Нові деталі

Build Report | Page 58
Saharan Sunset

by Glenn Wilson
A look at a little known conflict and building a pair of the participating aircraft in 1/72 scale
Heinkel He 111H6
Italeri 1:72
121 1994 Нова коробка
Hispano HA-1112M1L Buchón
Classic Plane 1:72
200x Нова коробка
CASA 2.111B "Pedros"
Dekno Models 1:72
K-0300 1997 Нова прес-форма

Build Report | Page 62
Night Intruder Hurricanes

by Trevor Pask
The author builds a pair of Night Intruder Hurricanes
"Hurricane" Mk II
HobbyBoss 1:72
80215 2005 Нова прес-форма
Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIC
Academy 1:72
2129 (FA150) 1997 Нова прес-форма

Reference | Page 68
Intruder Hurricane Schemes

by Paul Lucas
Deion of the development of the Intruder Scheme on Hawker Hurricanes

Reference | Page Inser
Air War over Vietnam

Air Wars Part 10, Air War over Vietnam, USN & USMC