Deutsches Afrikakorps DAK - Besprechung in der Wüste 1/35 Переглянути: Слайд-шоу Мозаїка Список Коментарі 20 17 July 2023, 12:08
Christoph Kunz I like dios with a lot of "traffic", so thumbs up for this one 👍
17 July 2023, 19:22
Rui S Very nice Dio 👍
17 July 2023, 19:34
Guy Rump Another excellent dio. Your figures and positioning of them to enhance the drama is top notch! 👍
17 July 2023, 19:35
Dom S. Автор Thx mates !!
23 July 2023, 07:17
Neuling Very appealing diorama!
23 July 2023, 09:57
Dom S. Автор Thx Neuling 🙏
23 July 2023, 20:00
Album info Deutsches Afrikakorps DAK - Besprechung in der Wüste 1/35
Rommel Mammut AFV Club AF35235, Kfz.15 Horch Italeri 6215, BMW R75 Italeri, Resin Figures etc.
35 зображення
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