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Gustavo Adrian ARREGUI (GusM113)

M113 IDF RAJ-101 Perturbador de radar (1/35)

Photo 1 of 30


11 13 August 2023, 22:54
Very cool subject. Excellent work
 13 August 2023, 23:47
Ben M
Very nice scratchbuilding!
 14 August 2023, 00:12
Gustavo Adrian ARREGUI Автор
Thank you for your comment, the issue is to put together something different, I took it from MIG Gimenez
 14 August 2023, 00:43
Michael Kohl
I like all those M113-variations you show here. Rare and special subjects you present us here.
 14 August 2023, 07:58
Gustavo Adrian ARREGUI Автор
Thanks for your comment, I have already 50 different versions
 14 August 2023, 20:07
Ben M
Do you have a preferred M113 kit then? Or do you build all different ones?
 14 August 2023, 22:23
Gustavo Adrian ARREGUI Автор
everyone is really preferred, sor retired military, for 38 years of service, working as an armored mechanic specialized in M113 / detroid motors & alison Gear, I am 60 years old and spent 38 years with the M113, I have lived more with vehicles than in my life ,There are some more interesting than others but they all have the same platform.
 15 August 2023, 00:07
Ben M
No wonder you put so much effort into your builds.
 15 August 2023, 00:13
Gustavo Adrian ARREGUI Автор
 15 August 2023, 00:23
Gustavo Adrian ARREGUI Автор
Ben my Faceboock is gustavo adrian arregui, send messenger for it
 15 August 2023, 00:28

Album info

Representación del Sistema de interferencia de Guerra Electrónica Rattler, utilizado por las IDF en protección a bases Aéreas y/o Aeropuertos, puede ser instalados en Buques, Aeronaves o vehículos terrestres, en este caso esta montado sobre una batea de M113A1, con un alcance de 20 a30km puede interferir hasta 3 emisiones de radar al mismo tiempo, Comence con un kitt Academy M113 A2 (1354) y utilice cajones del kitt Academy IDF M113 ZELDA (1372), el resto del sistema es totalmente en scrach, usando los filtros de aire del Kitt de AFV Club M 35A2 (3504).

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