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Universal Carrier Mk.2 (in glorious Lightroom AI-powered potato vision)

Photo 1 of 12


1 9 January 2024, 22:03

Album info

Universal Carrier Mk2 with a 50cal from my spare bin (inspired by a Mk1 armed with a DShK) + a DT (which seems to have been a popular replacement for the Bren, because of its size and the high capacity drum mag). Also, if you can squint, you can see the disdain the British troops have for being painted in an approximation of the Soviet uniform colours (in all fairness, those are placeholders until I find a better crew set for the Universal). Also, unfortunately, I discovered too late that the Soviets didn't appear to've gotten Mk2', so I should've built this without the tow bar.

12 зображення
1:35 Universal Carrier Mk.II (Tamiya 35249)

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