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Aleksandar Šekularac (Šeki)

P-47D, 1:48 Study in Nude

Photo 1 of 14


42 13 January 2024, 11:14
Michael Kohl
Another nice piece of work from your bench
 14 January 2024, 00:18
Alec K
Outstanding work 👍 The rivets look superb.
 14 January 2024, 02:28
Very nice finish! Great build.
 14 January 2024, 02:43
Jay Dubya
That Jug looks very comfortable in its natural state! May I ask how you shot the propeller spinning - was it a strong fan or smart electrics, Alex?
 14 January 2024, 07:28
Bernhard Schrock
A masterpiece: absolutely clean and very realistic NMF finish especially with the rivets. Top!
 14 January 2024, 07:33
another master piece Aleksandar, wow
 14 January 2024, 08:50
Masterpiece is the word.
 14 January 2024, 10:12
Aleksandar Šekularac Автор
Thanks much for all you kind words! 🙏
@ Jay, as for the prop, I usually make my models with free-spinning propellers, using brass tubing, with a drop of machine oil, so when it's time for those glam shots, I can just gently blow on them and set the camera for a longer exposure on a tripod. Takes me few tries to get the right amount of blur.
 14 January 2024, 16:28
Sebastian Meyner
Großartig, Aleksandar! 👍 Darf ich fragen...: Die Raketenhalterung sind scrach, oder gibt's dazu ein AM Set?
 10 March 2024, 15:46
Aleksandar Šekularac Автор
Vielen Dank Sebastian! Die Raketenhalterungen habe ich aus Eduard Tempest Bausatz geklaut und ne bisschen modifiziert. 😉
 10 March 2024, 20:58
Sehr nice, the wheels are sitting perfect on the ground. I often struggle with that. Super gebaut.
 11 March 2024, 11:58
Sebastian Meyner
@Alessandar: Ah, ok! Danke für die schnelle Antwort 🙂 👍
 11 March 2024, 12:38

Album info

Yugoslav P-47Ds were not as colorful and flashy as many others out there. If one was inclined to politeness, one could call the plain. There were few of the camouflaged examples, but here I was actually looking to try my hand at natural metal finish and all its challenges, so any flamboyance in finish would be distracting. Desired finish was achieved using different shades of Alclad2 metallic paints and HGW rivets set made for the Tamiya kit. I won't say that they are easy, or quick to apply, but the effect is quite rewarding, in particular for a nude metal surface. In contrast to the instruction, I applied them on top of the coat of metallic paint, which produces a nice effect, as the rivets are silver themselves, but tonally different from the surface.

14 зображення
1:48 Republic P-47M Thunderbolt (Tamiya 61096)

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