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Stefan Fraundorfer (Ostarrichi)

Bell AH-1F Cobra - The Flying Bulls

Photo 1 of 29


24 24 February 2024, 08:40
Stefan Fraundorfer Автор
Here are the first pictures of the Cobra from the Flying Bulls: Unfortunately, the canopy didn't fit perfectly and had to be filled. I replaced the barrels of the 20mm gun with ones from Master, which look much better.
 24 February 2024, 08:48
Juergen Klinglhuber
You know that there a smoke catridges and decals (smoke) available for this model...?
 25 February 2024, 09:37
Stefan Fraundorfer Автор
Hallo Jürgen, nein, das habe ich nicht gewusst. Wo könnte ich die Rauchgeneratoren und die Decals dafür bekommen? Auf Scalemates habe ich nichts gefunden.
 27 February 2024, 17:23
Juergen Klinglhuber
Ich melde mich dazu bei dir,....lg
 29 February 2024, 07:10
Stefan Fraundorfer Автор
The Flying Bulls Cobra is now finished. By the way, the smokewinders are not included in the kit. They were kindly provided to me by the company Brent-Air-Decals along with the decals and they significantly enhance the model (many thanks Jürgen!).
 14 June 2024, 21:41
Juergen Klinglhuber
To my pleasure Stefan - it is looking great! 👍
Well done model !
 15 June 2024, 06:07

Project info

29 зображення
1:48 Bell AH-1F Cobra (Revell 05723)1:48 M197 - Three-barrelled rotary 20mm cannon (Master AM-48-056)
Bell AH-1F Cobra
AT Red Bull (1984-now)
Flying Bulls N11FX
2012 - Salzburg Airport

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