Hasegawa F-18C Suomen ilmavoimat

A clean build of a bird that I've seen last year up close. Just not this individual though.

A realy fine model! Well done!
In June this year I`ll see the finnish F-18 in Volkel at the Luchtmachtdagen, 100 years RNLAF! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Well.. yes I think that this is not the easiest plane kit.
Fitting issues are common on the rear part of the fuselage and around intakes.
But this is a beautiful kit! Pretty expensive kit, but well detailed and there are so much nice decal sheets for the Hornet!
My last built was one of the VFA-97 Warhawks... with a big muscular hawk on the tail fins!
Great job Guus!
Album info
The kit is Hasegawa 09849 "Mighty Shrikes" boxing of the Hornet.
This kit contains all the upgrade parts for a European (late Swiss / Finnish) F-18 like the GPS dome, IFF "bird slicers", flare launchers and antennae.
The decals are by F4Dable: decals.kitreview.com..e48001reviewmr_1.htm
I decided on a Finnish one just because you don`t see many of them 😮)
HN-457 was the last F-18C built and named after the Count von Rosen who is traditionally seen as the founder of the Finnish AF.
The build was fairly straightforward but the kit suffered from some nasty sinkholes and some of the missing panel lines on the forward fuselage had to be re-scribed.
I used the Aires exhausts but they were too small in diameter.
Managed to stretch them a bit by ramming a conical resin drop tank up the back of them to stretch them a bit.