Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6 SNP
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Messserschmitt Bf 109G-6 W. Nr. 161742 was one of two aircraft of this type used by the Combined Squadron in the Slovak National Uprising.
Rotnik Rudolf Bozik, an experienced pilot and ace of 13th (slow.)/ JG 52 with 9 kills on the Eastern Front, had part of his rich aviation activity connected with Bf 109G-6 serial number 161742. After withdrawing to Slovakia on 13 March 1944, he encountered one Messerscmitt 110 in the vicinity of Bratislava, which he shot down when returning fire because the German mistook a pair of Slovak Bf 109Es for American Mustangs. After issuing the unfortunate order, Lt. Pushkar's order, on 26 June 1944, a standby squadron over Slovakia attacked an American bomber formation. Rtk. Bozik damaged a B-17 Flying Fortress on Messerscmitt 161742 still marked as "White 7" and managed to survive with luck the destruction of the entire standby squadron after battles with escorting fighters. The losses were such that most of the aircraft were not spared for the insurgency. After the machine was repaired, it was transferred to eastern Slovakia, and from there, with the aforementioned Messerschmitt and the entire eastern air group, it flew to the USSR before the uprising began. Since after the outbreak of the Slovak National Uprising the rebel air force suffered from a complete lack of modern machines, the pilots Bozik and Hanovec were ordered to fly the Me 109G-6 back to Tri Duby on 6 September 1944.
There Rudolf Bozik just on Messerscmitt 161742 with rebel emblems shot down three German aircraft and thus closed his colorful account of kills. When the uprising came to its sad end, he flew to the USSR for the second time and ended the war as a member of the 2nd Czechoslovak Fighter Regiment within the 1st Czechoslovak Mixed Air Division.
On 25 October 1944, Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6 W. Nr. 161742 also flew to the Soviet side. The machine was piloted by Staff Sergeant Gustav Kubovič and unfortunately crashed fatally over Slovakia.
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