Semovente 75/18 M42 - Work in Progress
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Please find some images of my M42 at the base paint stage; note the hatches and wheels are only temporarily attached . The M42 is my own design, in Fusion, and was printed on my Phrozen Mini 8KS printer using Phrozen's 8K resin at 22 microns. I originally started the project to upgrade some of the woeful Italeri parts but decided in the end that it would be just as easy, which it wasn't, to create the vehicle from scratch. I have, over the last fifteen months, acquired a huge amount of knowledge on both Fusion as well as how to 3D print AFV structures e.g. avoid unsupported large flat surfaces where possible. I also now have a library of standard Italian AFV parts that can be used for other vehicles like the M40 and M41 Semoventes and Carro Armatos; I have made many of the parts available for free download here
The Bassotto is currently receiving the same treatment as the above and I have started designing the Trattore Leggero 37, for a bit of a change!