27 February 2013, 10:34

Haven't finished all the painting yet , I put it up to get some feed back. Only second attempt at camo free hand .underside yet to be done . Regarding the ob's window apparently they where painted out on the field before use
27 February 2013, 10:43

Hello skeata,
I paint the model first with silver. for the spots I take maskol Humbrol on a sponge and dab it on the silver surface. Then comes the camouflage on it. After drying allows the Maskolpunkte rubbed off with your finger. Gives a nice effect if you do not overdo it.
Have fun while trying it
27 February 2013, 10:46

Thank Christian , I must admit it looks more like flack damage than wear ! I painted with silver and then added wet salt , also tried chalk powder and water seemed to have the same result .after drying of course
27 February 2013, 10:55
Album info
Top camo done with some chipping