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Frédéric Mertès (Fredouille)

A-4E Skyhawk (NAVY, Vietnam 1966)

Photo 1 of 12


28 March 2013, 13:22
Holger Kranich
Wow, very cool build, Frederic! Love it!
 28 March 2013, 13:31
Keith Goodman
Outstanding Scooter! Very well done!
 28 March 2013, 13:50
Philip De Keyser
Wonderful job Frédéric 👍
 28 March 2013, 14:29
Steve Wilson
Real nice build Frederic, well done👍🙂
 28 March 2013, 14:30
good very good
 28 March 2013, 15:33
Vitor Hugo Sousa
Great job 😉
 28 March 2013, 17:52
Helerson Maciel
Excellent job!
 28 March 2013, 17:59
Christian Lehmann
Very nice and colorful finish. Great job.
 28 March 2013, 18:28
ole moller
very beautifully painted,quite jealous here
 28 March 2013, 18:28
Aghis Barberopoulos
Nice clean work and great finish, very well done!
 28 March 2013, 18:50
Bill Gilman
Now there's a nice little Scooter! Very restrained on the weathering, excellent job.
 28 March 2013, 19:44
splendid! thx for sharing 👍
 29 March 2013, 08:09
Burkhard D
Beautiful Scooter. Love the shading, very subtle, very consistent from nose to tail. 👍👍👍
 29 March 2013, 09:18
Pascal GARAT
Nice Scooter and great scheme 😉
 29 March 2013, 09:33
Vorya hidaryan
Looking good .
 29 March 2013, 10:01

Album info

Douglas A-4E Skyhawk, 1/32 Trumpeter + Zotz decals + Edouard photoetch and some scatch + resin seat.

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