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B (Navyaircraftguy)

My new vintage USAirfix model kits I got today

Photo 1 of 4


11 September 2013, 21:05
B Автор
Never heard of the F-2H2 banshee could anyone tell me what it's mission is and other things about it
 11 September 2013, 21:08
vincent coyne
the banshee developed from McDonnell FH Phantom
 12 September 2013, 00:41
Clifford Keesler
It was a first generation Navy/Marine Jet powered attack aircraft,it flew during the Korean war. I have 2 of them a 1/72 I believe the same kit you got and also have a 1/48 scale one.
 12 September 2013, 01:18
B Автор
Hi Clifford,how do you think the fit of these kits will be? They are older kits so I wouldn't really know
 12 September 2013, 01:23
Clifford Keesler
If memory serves they fit pretty good,detail is a little lacking,but they should be fine for you.
 12 September 2013, 03:35

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