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Mike Tipping (M.TippingModels)

Tiger in the Garden

Photo 1 of 10


16 October 2013, 09:46
Hunter Cummins
Wnat tiger 1 did you use and superb model 🙂🙂
 22 October 2013, 20:00
Fabian D.
nice, great little scenes, but could you add a pic of the whole dio? so that we can get an overwatch?😉
 22 October 2013, 21:34
vincent coyne
very good tank did you drybrush it
picture 4 is my favorite
 22 October 2013, 21:39
Es-haq Khosravi
Excellent Job! Lovely!
 22 October 2013, 22:54
Es-haq Khosravi
 22 October 2013, 22:55
Mike Tipping Автор
Hi all its a Tamiya 1/35 scale tiger, yes dry brushing was used, there are more images on my web site
www.miketippingmodels.co.uk there should be an image so you can see the over watch
 23 October 2013, 06:39
Steve Wilson
Hi Mike...
Great Dio', very well built...
Is the guy to the right of the first pic having a pee???
If he is, it looks like a case of look mum no hands!!! great stuff😢
 23 October 2013, 06:46
Mike Tipping Автор
yes hes having a pee,

 23 October 2013, 08:32
Very nice. With the backdrop you used it reminds me of the "Kelley's Heros", movie. Gary
 24 October 2013, 12:59
That's really😎 build, I like it
 24 October 2013, 13:15
wow. fantastic dio.
 1 November 2016, 22:16

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