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Philippe Mendes (Nismogtr)

F9F-2 Panther Trumpeter

Photo 1 of 6


19 July 2014, 08:31
Dieter Bihlmaier
Wow Philippe, fantastic build and a absolutely stunning weathering!!
 19 July 2014, 10:01
👍 👍 👍
 19 July 2014, 14:01
Glenn Hancock
Fantastic work - really like that color scheme! 🙂
 19 July 2014, 16:23
Philippe Mendes Автор
Thanks ! Reading the Ginteŕ's book about the Panther, I found this color scheme very interasting and Cutting Edge just do it !
 20 July 2014, 00:24
John Thomas
Very nice
 20 July 2014, 02:10
Jose Miguel Rodriguez
Great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 20 July 2014, 03:36
Lionel Marco

 20 July 2014, 06:39
Philip De Keyser
This is a fantastic Panther Philippe, love the paintjob and waethering 👍
 20 July 2014, 07:19
Christian Ristits
Fantastic Work, very well done!
 20 July 2014, 08:27
Nice work 👍
 20 July 2014, 12:49
Christian Bruer
 20 July 2014, 18:57
Es-haq Khosravi
 20 July 2014, 20:36
Juergen Klueser
 20 July 2014, 21:47
Philippe Mendes Автор
Thanks !
 21 July 2014, 19:12

Album info

The Trumpeter kit is far to be correct the I add resin from Cutting Edge (wings, nose, airbrakes) and Pavla (cockpit and canopy). The decals were also from Cutting Edge, since I read the book from Ginter I know I will do a Panther from this training squadron.

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