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John Sachs (j3cubfan)

Drawer of doom revivial.


2 January 2015, 14:06
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 11 January 2015, 04:53
John Sachs Автор
Thank you
 16 January 2015, 02:57
John E
Very nice!
 16 January 2015, 04:28
John Sachs Автор
Thank you John.
 16 January 2015, 22:39

Album info

The P-47 was retrieved from the drawer of doom. This is the hasegawa P-47 "Angie" converted to the F-47. The decals are Fundekals and spares.

The P-35 is the Academy kit that was started several years ago.

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