Red 5 - Construction and Result
Photo 1 of 37
12 February 2015, 20:48

Nearly done. Got the thing painted and decaled, prepared all the small bits and gloss coated everything. Tomorrow i`ll sand away some specks of dust that have evaded my attention and start to dirty her up. It is not a X-Wing if it does not look like it has been in use for a decade.
22 February 2015, 21:09

Weathering is done. As soon as the final flat coat has dried, I can mount the guns and declare this build done. Some info for those who might still have a kit in the stash:
Start construction with the wings. They take longer than the cockpit, and you need both to close the fuselage. Watch out for a gap between the pit tub and the fuselage walls. Take care to align the wings properly. The rear part of the fuselage is hard to sand flush, be prepared. Painting is easy, just don`t look at to many reference pictures, each one is different. Confusing. Paint as much as you can, avoid using decals. When you paint, do it once, if possible, to preserve the panel lines. They are great, but easy to lose with just paint. Yes, even with an airbrush. For the decals you have to apply, use a lot of setting solution and cut away any carrier film you can. At least these are my observations. Really sorry they don`t make the kit anymore...
25 February 2015, 21:50

Nice Michael. .... Have the Bandi kit on order, and hear only good things
27 February 2015, 13:46
Album info
Build pics and completed model.