Fairey Firefly FR.1 & TT.4 (Special Hobby)
Photo 1 of 149
27 31 August 2015, 02:31

Hi mates, finally some photos from my new project - A Fanciful Flock of Fairey Fireflies! Both FR.1 and TT.4 varieties - enjoy and don't ask any difficult questions! 🙂 🙂 🙂
31 August 2015, 02:55

Hi Bill. No difficult questions but just wanted to compliment you on your work on the resin cockpit. Looks great. 👍 🙂
31 August 2015, 03:18

Thanks, mates. I'll have some more photos soon, as the TT.4 cockpit is nearly completion, as well as the other components that must be put into the fuselage before it gets sealed up.
1 September 2015, 00:06

Well, looking at my avatar, I would think a not too difficult question might be "Why do you think I have this outrageous accent?" 🙂
1 September 2015, 18:27

The idea behind "Flock" is just that I'm building two Fireflies at the same time. Plus, I like the alliteration. 🙂
1 September 2015, 21:31

Hi mates! More progress on the Fireflies! I've added several new photos. The biggest change in the project is that I decided to model the TT.4 with the wings folded. Those who have seen folded wings on a Firefly will know that this is one strange looking bird. There is no good aftermarket to help with the wings, so much of this will have to be scratchbuilt. There is a PE set from Airwaves that provides some internal wing structure, but it remains to be seen how accurate it is, and whether it will fit the Special Hobby parts (it's made for the Airfix kit). Cheers, Bill.
24 September 2015, 00:51

Hello chaps, the Firefly TT.4 is starting to take all of my attention. Making the decision to fold the wings on this model increased the workload by about 200%! There is no aftermarket set for this, so you have to scratch it all. And we all know how much fun it is to scratch build in 1:72 scale - yikes! But I must persevere as I've already cut the wings off. Several new photos have been added to show how crazy I am. Cheers, Bill
29 September 2015, 23:04

Hi mates! It's been a while since I updated this album. Most of the work that I've done has been to detail the exposed structure of the wings along the fold lines. The Firefly had quite a complex wing fold/lock mechanism that I've tried to duplicate through scratch building, as no aftermarket is available. To be honest, it's more fun this way! Cheers, Bill
24 October 2015, 01:58

Admiration for this top level scratchbuilt details in this small scale Bill. I would`nt even dare to try something like this without ruining the whole thing beyond recognition. Simply amazing !
24 October 2015, 05:59

It is always a pleasure to follow your work Bill and these Fireflies are no exception. Looks very good so far 👍
24 October 2015, 10:03

I missed this completely until today. Great craftmanshi like always Bill.
24 October 2015, 20:31

Bill, What can I say that has not been said already mate.?
Skills and patience by the truck load. 👍
It is obvious that all you touch turns to gold, and this will be yet an other 'nugget'.
Cheers and salute my friend. 👍 🙂
24 October 2015, 20:58

Hi Bill. This is looking great. What paints are you going to use on the top surfaces for the Pacific Fleet markings you have chosen for the FR.1? I have a Seafire MK.XV to build in the same colour scheme.
12 November 2015, 22:22

I follow this with great interest. I have the Dutch version from SH. Your work is very inspiring . If I manage the amazing work you made......I think not. This is high level modelling.👍👍👍
13 November 2015, 05:50

Very good job on the wings ! Do you think you will add some rivets like you can see in the picture of the wing ? It would be great ! Cheers.
13 November 2015, 07:59

Thanks, mates! I really appreciate your kind comments. 🙂
I've updated the album with some new pictures showing the progress on the FR.1, which has been painted in the Temperate Sea Scheme of Extra Dark Sea Grey and Dark Slate Grey over Sky.
Gareth - I used Gunze H74 for Sky, and Colourcoats enamels for the EDSG and DSG. These all represent the paint when new, and I will no doubt do some post shading and pastel work later to show some weathering. The FR.1 aircraft that I'm modelling was pretty new at this point in time (end of WWII) and might not have been heavily weathered. Colourcoats enamels spray beautifully! Can't wait to see your Seafire!
Kerry - if everything I touched turned to gold, I'd be very rich! But I'm just a plebeian like everybody else... 🙂
Pierre-Christian - Please, no rivets in 1:72 scale, they would be so-o-o-o small. I must preserve my eyesight! 🙂
Cheers, Bill
16 November 2015, 18:50

rivets are manageable in this scale Bill, they take some patience, but... it's mostly between the ears. I have a nutter, which can punch holes ø0.25, that are rounded. I pick them up with a scribing needle and a little saliva, position them correct and with some tamiya ultra thin I fix em provisory, later I apply some very thin CA to fix them permenantly... Included is a picture of a S-125 launching station in 1:72 to which rivets are applied in this way. All by all, it goes faster then you think 😉
17 November 2015, 08:38

@Gareth - The FAA Museum is on my list for the next time I visit the UK.
@Bart - Rivets that are ø0.25mm in 1:72 scale work out to be ø18mm in real life. Mighty big rivets! 🙂
To make rivets that are the correct size in 1:72 scale would require that they be very small, maybe ø0.05mm. This is what I was referring to. I think true-to-scale rivets would be virtually invisible in 1:72 scale, but the same is often said about panel lines. Each modeller must decide how crazy he/she wants to be! 🙂
17 November 2015, 23:47

Thanks mates! I've uploaded some new pictures of the progress on both the FR.1 and the TT.4. Things are starting to look nice, I think. The TT is finally looking like an airplane! 🙂 🙂
6 January 2016, 22:26

Masking the black stripes on the bottom of the TT.4 was fun, but I was lucky to have a mate from Australia who provided drawings and specifications. Most of the stripes will end up on the underside of the wings, but the bottom of the fuselage gives you a good idea of what to expect. Cheers! 🙂
9 January 2016, 16:55

The diagonal stripes on the underside are the most difficult painting jobs (in my opinion). Bill: you done this excellent!!!
9 January 2016, 18:11

Damn good choice, Bill! It looks really well! Looking forward to see it completed! 👍
10 January 2016, 13:05

Hi mates!
I've added the decals to the TT.4, and weathered the aluminium paint with some Gunze H95 Smoke Grey. I hope I didn't overdo it!
The FR.1 has been completed with the addition of the ASH radar pod, arresting hook, boarding step, carburettor intake guards, cannon barrel fairings, rear view mirror, IFF aerial, and the HF mast, aerial wire, and lead in wire. Now I can concentrate on finishing the TT.4.
Cheers, Bill
14 January 2016, 15:07

spuperbly build and paintwork very inspirational.Thanks for sharing
15 January 2016, 17:13

Now this build is just a Standard Bill Class - Excellent as usual. I really like to see the magic you do in 1:72 scale.
15 January 2016, 21:56

I've added a few more pictures to show the progress on the TT.4. I'll get the transfers on the wings today, and then it's just a few more fiddly bits to go. I'm not looking forward to adding the winch - the photoetch supports look evil.
24 January 2016, 18:23

Lots of progress on the Fairey Firefly target tug! I'm glad I didn't throw out my kid's Lego blocks from 30 years ago. They came in quite handy when making a jig to hold the wings while the glue sets. Check out the new pictures. Cheers, Bill
28 January 2016, 04:17

Thanks for everyone's help and inspiration on this one. The project is finished and both Fireflies are now safely in my display case. Please enjoy the photos that I've uploaded of the finished models. Cheers, Bill
5 February 2016, 20:00

Brilliant! Especially the one with the folded wings is an eye catcher.
6 February 2016, 07:27

Thanks mates! Now if I could only pick the next project from my stash...
6 February 2016, 16:41

You making me speechless, these are marvelous pieces of modelling art!
8 February 2016, 05:33

Thanks mates! Erik, next up is the CMR Sea Venom Mk.53 in RAN markings. I'll have an album up shortly. Cheers, Bill
21 February 2016, 19:25

Piling on with the praise a little bit, but I am also inspired by these builds! Hope you don't mind my "R-Click Save" of your TT Mk4 for reference when I build mine (withOUT wing folds). From the silver paint that looks like silver paint to the detailed LG covers, great work!
22 October 2016, 00:04

Thanks mates! It was a lot of fun to scratch build the folding wings, but please remind me not to do it again any time soon! 🙂 🙂 🙂
23 October 2016, 01:01

You always manage to take my breath away Bill. 👍
So much talent and so well done. 🙂
Salute. 👍
23 October 2016, 04:37

a work of art and a modelling curse (for advance modellers) all in one. amazing.
18 December 2016, 14:43

Thanks, Spanjaard! Those folding wings were a bit of a curse. 🙂
18 December 2016, 15:15

I really feasted on the construction photo serie. And I'm gonna buy some Lego😉
19 December 2016, 07:59

Wicked wingfold! I happen to have built the HMS Glory bird and did the same thing to the wheel bay door inside 🙂
18 October 2020, 10:29

Lovely, the detailing, shading, wingfold, simply every aspect 👍
26 October 2020, 21:12

Thanks! It's amazing how a four-year old album is resurrected. Cheers, Bill
30 October 2020, 22:12

I have no words... AMAZING! Unbelievable great built! Congrats for them both mate!!!
31 October 2020, 09:44

Thanks Edward! You guys should check out my other photo albums and perhaps we can resurrect them as well! LOL. I am about to start a new project, though, so be on the lookout. I'll be building the beautiful resin kit of the de Havilland DH.88 Comet from SBS Models. Cheers, Bill
1 November 2020, 21:37
Album info
A fanciful flight of Fairey Fireflies!