27. Mig-23MLD Monument
17 5 January 2016, 14:58

Matthias - Thank you.
Glenn - Big thanks.
Melf - Dziękuję bardzo. 🙂
Seheil - Thanks.
5 January 2016, 17:19

Ah, the final photosession! Turned out wonderful as a monument (might be nice to include a picture of the real monument in the album?) But the shots with different arms loadouts are a blast! Fantastic job overall! 🙂
5 January 2016, 17:27

Pavel - Thank you very much.I spend a lot of time building almost every type of weapon and pylon included in the set, that's why I'm even more pleased that you like it.
Michel - Thanks.
Guido - Thank you. From time time I have such crazy ideas. The same was with EF-2000 Typhoon when I prepared a display for all kind of armament.
Christian - Big thanks.
5 January 2016, 20:04

Daniel - Hartelijk dank voor uw vriendelijke woorden.
7 January 2016, 10:08

Harry - Tahnk you.
Scott - Thank yoy as well. You're invited to Poland to my place if you would like to see it in real. 😉
11 January 2016, 16:09

Wished you had said that 6 months ago, did a week trip to Poland, once only probably. Trally enjoyed your army museum in Warsaw, technical museum also in Warsaw and air force museum in Krakow. Met two colleagues at aerospace conference here in Feb last year and they sorted me out for museums. Fabulous guy, unique, has flown for both Warsaw pact and now NATO, now researcher. Just finished my Polish tribute model, 1/32 mig 21, kit from colleagues estate so love build rather than nice trumpeter. Will also do Polish Spitfire.
11 January 2016, 20:57

Absolutely beautiful build & presentation. Thanks for bringing this back in the timeline Spanjaard 🙂
7 January 2021, 13:22

Excellent all around, particularly like the radar dome weathering - this is exactly what tends to happens to Ruskie domes when left to the elements 🙂 👍 Splendid - what technique exactly did you use - if you are willing to share? In my free time I experimented a bit on this, trying to achieve a 3-layer peel-off effect (as seen on some really battered Flankers - creamy white base, then red, then the typical Russian green, peeled to different depths...) Put layers on, tried gentle sanding, but did not get where I wanted to be... Would be great to hear your input on this particular effect, thx!
8 January 2021, 12:15

Hi Slavo - well I was experimenting with different masking materials and it tends the the best results gave masking fluid. It was applied with sponge. Simple but worked 😉
8 January 2021, 13:37

Amazing model. That detail set works well with this version of the Flogger?
23 October 2023, 17:10
Album info
Photos of completed MiG-23MLD.