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Donald Dickson II (smokeriderdon)


Photo 1 of 11


4 24 February 2016, 06:54
Calvin Gifford
Very cool! Got this and another early Revell tooling 1/48 F-16 in the stash. Looks like pretty decent builds. Unfortunate that that airframe was trucked to Davis-Monthan following a mishap during a Red Flag exercise @ Nellis AFB:
 10 November 2020, 06:10
Donald Dickson II Автор
It is a great kit. Not overly detailed, but not bad. Fit was fine. Weapons leave a bit to be desired though.
 11 November 2020, 16:51
Daniel Klink
Very well done Donald.. 👍
And for the cover One just got to love that 80'S computer art look
 11 November 2020, 17:05
Donald Dickson II Автор
Thank you Daniel. Yeah, the cover art is very 80s indeed. LOL
 11 November 2020, 22:59
Calvin Gifford
Yes, reminds me of a scene of WWIII from the 'Wingman' series of books!
 12 November 2020, 16:35

Album info

This was an unexpected build. While waiting for paint to dry on the C-54, I started fiddling with the F-16 parts of this kit. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the dry fit went. Next thing I knew, I was painting the cockpit and there ya go.

Fit was great considering this is a model from 27 years ago. Decals showed their age, but I mostly got them to work for me. No stencils or any guidance for the missiles, so I kept them rather simple. And I weatherd the snot out of her.

I rather enjoyed this one and really like how it turned out. Now back to the 54...

11 зображення
No Super Fighters (Revell 6218)

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