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Adrian Xbox (adrianxbox)



21 June 2016, 09:45
Ulf Petersen
Nice Grilla, Adrian!👍
I just think that the worn winter camo does not really match with the clean driving chain. You should add some mud and dirt there. 😉
 22 June 2016, 05:12
Adrian Xbox Автор
Hey Ulf! Thanks for your feedback. It's still a work in progress. Final pictures will come soon. Thanks again!
 22 June 2016, 13:16
Ulf Petersen
You're welcome.
From time to time dropping some explaining text lines would be helpful to avoid such misunderstandings... 😉
 22 June 2016, 20:46

Project info

1 зображення
В процесі
1:35 Diorama with farm wall (MiniArt 36033)1:35 Artillery Crew (MiniArt 35029)

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