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Gursel Kona (Gekko)

Santa Maria by Revell

Photo 1 of 5


1 28 August 2016, 13:57
Jörg Luther
Nice OOB build! Have the same kit in progress, very much flash and awful fit. But probably you can't expect more from 60 years old molds😉
 28 August 2016, 15:32
Gursel Kona Автор
Thanks. Rigging makes me mad. I will never build a ship for a while. Deck is problematic and do not fit well at the front. I hope you finish it easily.
 28 August 2016, 19:07
Roy McKenzie
I looks great.
 29 August 2016, 00:33
Ulf Petersen
Very nice, Gursel!👍
Although it is a little late I would recommend to treat the wood surfaces with some oil painting washes in order make them appear a little more natural and "used".😉
 29 August 2016, 04:58
Gursel Kona Автор
Thanks for the idea.I will consider washing, before varnishing.actually it is not finished completely.I even think to make a sea diorama. (It will be the first time) and put her in the middle of ocean🙂
 29 August 2016, 05:32
Gursel Kona Автор
Thanks Roy
 29 August 2016, 05:34

Project info

5 зображення
1:90 Columbus Ship Santa Maria (Revell 05405)

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