french streetscape, , FlyHawk, FH3013

Streetsoape or streetscape? Anyway, looks good and simple to build.

Yes - your are right. It looks like an 'o' for me. but it makes no sense ... I will correct this. Thank you!
Album info
Here is another new item from FlyHawk: Designed for the small size of early WW2-tanks (or from WW1) comes a "french streetscape". The cobblestone surface is very detailed. Additionally is included a typical old style fence and sign (both made of eteched) and a lamp. The decal sheet includes a graphic of an french pub and replacement decals for the PzKpfw II L (also available from FlyHawk).
The whole set remembers a little like the old Matchbox-bases, wich were included in 1:72 / 1:76 kits from the 80's. But thank to FlyHawk it has now a more realistic look and much more details. Very useful for rookie modelser!!
I guess there will follow some more streetscaps for 1:72 and maybe 1:35.... Let's wait and see. So fare a big "thank you" to FlyHawk for this very detailed base!