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Daniel Mysak (alfisti)

Euro-Modell ´16 Okt. 15.-16.

Photo 1 of 24


2 22 October 2016, 07:41
Daniel Mysak Автор
You can find much more pictures of Euro-Modell´16 here: modellmanufaktur-ll...ro-modell-16-ried-i/
 22 October 2016, 07:49
Nice Photos Daniel some great models here!
 22 October 2016, 07:55
Christian Bruer
Wow, very nice models and display. It is interesting to see on modelling shows, that the display gets more and more attraction and priority, than just the model on a small frame or just a cloth.
The Sundowners display for sure is a magnificent eyecatcher.
Thx for sharing
Cheers, Christian
 22 October 2016, 10:05
Stephan Ryll
Thank you for sharing those beautys 👍
 22 October 2016, 10:41
really nice, thanks a lot for sharing.
 25 October 2016, 08:53
Germen V
thx 4 sharing
 25 October 2016, 12:44
Harry Eder
Very nice pics Daniel! Thx for sharing 👍
 25 October 2016, 12:48
Murad ÖZER
Incredible talent, i can't even dream building some of those kits what can i say, hats off to the folks and thanks for sharing the pix Daniel!
 25 October 2016, 13:09
Holger Kranich
Won-der-ful! C´mon and lets say it all together: Won-der-ful!
 25 October 2016, 13:41
Murad ÖZER
Wun-der-BAAAAR 😄
 25 October 2016, 14:13
 25 October 2016, 14:43
Germen V
Youtube Video

this a good one
 25 October 2016, 14:46
Murad ÖZER
LOL Germen
 25 October 2016, 14:50
Holger Kranich
You guys are cool!😄 LOL
 25 October 2016, 14:59
Stefan Fraundorfer
Super Fotos Daniel. Vor allem auch auf eurer Homepage.
 1 November 2016, 06:50

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