In Progress
Photo 1 of 3
2 10 February 2017, 17:22

i really like the first picture. nice help you have😉
engine looks good too 🙂
10 February 2017, 17:56

It's been a fun build although the engine took forever. There's a lot of raw aluminum so I thought I'd foil rather than paint and it's been a good idea, because it's quite convincing once it's toned down with a bit of an oil wash.
12 February 2017, 01:21

When I first saw this I thought it was a CATamaran (/ˌkætəməˈræn/) (informally, a "cat")... you were building. 😮 Then I realized, ha! ha! ha! I was getting the two subjects of the photo mixed up ((( 😄 ))) it's a Cat-an'-McLaren... Err Sorry!!! I'll start again 🤔
Great start Kevin, love the engine!!!
12 February 2017, 09:28

Can I borrow your Cat? I have plenty of kits for him to build. With all the sprues left over from the builds there will plenty of Kitty Litter.
12 February 2017, 11:08

He's pretty shy about publically demonstrating his skills.
16 February 2017, 05:54

Surely lots of fresh Tuna daily will help with his shyness until he builds all 375 kits I have?
16 February 2017, 08:23