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Bill Spargo (hustler)

DB605A ENGINE for Bf109G6, 48th Scale

Photo 1 of 4


19 February 2017, 03:29
Alec K
Wow, looking great! That is some impressive detailing. Great photography.
 19 February 2017, 03:56
Bill Spargo Автор
Thanks Alec, I detailed this in 2003 and havent touched it since then. Lost interest in the Bf109G6 diorama it was going to be part of. Maybe one day i'll start it again.
 19 February 2017, 04:18
Michael Hickey
I have always loved the detail of this engine.👍
 19 February 2017, 04:42
Bill Spargo Автор
Thanks Mate, maybe one day i'll finish the model
 19 February 2017, 05:46
Michael Hickey
Nah.... I'm sure it's gotta sit for at least another 5 years if the Mirage is any thing to go by.🤔
 19 February 2017, 10:00
Alec K
Sounds like "cellaring models" is not a unique modeler experience🙂 When I returned to the hobby several years ago (by returning I mean actually building models, instead of just buying more and looking at other modeler's projects), I decided to complete several open projects I began 10+ years earlier. Out of the 7 open projects on my bench, I brought to completion 3 and ditched the remaining 4. The longest of the completed projects spanned 22 years (no joke). This engine, however, definitely needs an airframe! But, looking at your SM-79 project, maybe it can wait...
 19 February 2017, 16:17
Michael Hickey
Hahaha.... Yeah I think you should.🙂
 20 February 2017, 04:34
Christian Lehmann
👍 Lots of wires and pipes
 20 February 2017, 05:50
Bill Spargo Автор
Mikey, give me a break. you know the Mirage has taken,ooops its not 20 years its actually 24 years to get to where it is today(I started engraving the Heller kit on the dining room table when I first met Kathy in 1993). so. the Bf109G6 has at least another 10 years of maturing before its ripe for the picking to finish! I guess I should start a Mirage album hey.
 21 February 2017, 11:35
Holger Kranich
Hmmm yummie! 🙂
 21 February 2017, 21:04

Album info

Scratch detailing for the engine, I based the detailing from scale drawings.

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