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Jeff Owens (Stinger16)

Hobbyboss Su-27 Flanker B


11 April 2017, 20:37
Erik Leijdens
Looking really good Jeff 👍
 11 April 2017, 21:07
Jeff Owens Автор
Thank you Erik
 11 April 2017, 22:00
excellent. well done.
 11 April 2017, 22:08
Michael Phillips
Beautiful Flanker Jeff, you really knocked this one out of the park!
 12 April 2017, 00:07
Jeff Owens Автор
Thank you spanjaard, James and Mike, I appreciate the comments
 12 April 2017, 01:57
Martien Lourens
Excellent work.
 12 April 2017, 07:37
Jeff Owens Автор
Thank you Martien
 12 April 2017, 19:14
Bryn Crandell
Outstanding Flanker!
 13 April 2017, 11:51

Album info

Here is my finished 1/48 hobbyboss su-27 flanker b. This was a pretty fun build, pretty much out of box except for the Eduard seatbelts and the canopy mask, and the master model pitot tube. All paints used were by MR PAINT, also used were the ammo of mig panel line wash

36 зображення
1:48 Su-27 Flanker B (HobbyBoss 81711)1:48 Su-27/Su-30 Flanker - Pitot Tube (Master AM-48-066)1:48 Sukhoi Su-27 "Flanker" family (1) (Begemot 48-004)2+

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