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Dave Jones (Dave67uk)

Soar Art Dora 80cm Railway Gun

Photo 1 of 37


22 May 2017, 13:04
Holger Kranich
Hi Dave! 🙂 What a beast! How Long did it took you to glue all together?👍
Just one critique if i am allowed... The companys gunnery cheif seargent would slap everyone´s face if the let the gun turn so rusty!😢

Cheers Holger
 17 June 2017, 08:55
John Thomas
Nice work
 17 June 2017, 12:34
Dave Jones Автор
It took a couple of weeks to put the main sub-sections together. I put all the railings on last and that took about a week.
I'm sure it wouldn't be allowed to rust that much, though I'm sure the climate at Leningrad tried. I usually build aircraft so experimented on this build with the rust.
I'm glad you like it and thanks for the feedback.
 18 June 2017, 08:40

Album info

1/144th scale kit of the German WWII railway gun.

37 зображення
В процесі
1:144 Dora 80 cm (Soar Art Workshop 14411)

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