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Bernd Heller (behell)

HMS Campbeltown 1942, FlyHawk, FH1105 & FH1105S,

Photo 1 of 29


19 June 2017, 13:25
Holger Kranich
Faszinierend was Flyhawk da abliefert! Besonders die Kommando Soldaten in dem Maßstab - herrlich! 😄
 19 June 2017, 13:44
Bernd Heller Автор
Jepp - und man muß die Augen eines 18jährigen haben!!!
 19 June 2017, 13:50
Holger Kranich
...und das Werkzeug eines Gehirnchirurgen!
 19 June 2017, 13:54
Dave Flitton
I also have this kit, but finding plans for the dry dock in 1/700 is proving difficult
 19 June 2017, 16:31

Album info

In 2016 FlyHawk released this kit in configuration "Operation Chariot". All before available kits in various scales shows the ship a Wickers-class destroyer - more or less accurate. It is fascinating to read the histrorical reports about this raid .... even if you are no ship-modeler.

See the details of this kit ... and remeber the scale! FH released two versions of this kit. FH1105S contains additional etched and brass parts. Surely you need to have eagle-eyes to glue all tiny parts in place.

A tabletop like the boxart is the only way to show the raid of the HMS Campbeltown! Very well done, FlyHawk!!

p.s. : Why not issue a styren drydock in this scale? Maybe with a cutaway version? You can use it for many ship models....

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