Academy MiG-21MF Fishbed in scale
2 25 August 2017, 10:42

thanks @Choppa, @Dave, @Christian, @Bart and @SPanjaard!
25 August 2017, 13:58

Hi @Bart - its quite complicated let me upload some more photos. but basically it starts with Alclad NMF. then spray a mist of a light coat of JN green, then randomly mottling JA green.
25 August 2017, 14:01

Hi @Bart - i posted 3 new images that shows the top camo work
25 August 2017, 23:45

That is just outstanding Dan!!! The camo work is simply amazing. Well done!!!
26 August 2017, 00:47

Thanks for the kind words, @Roberto, @Mike, and @Sören
26 August 2017, 13:14

Hi @Muphlon. several combination. I used Alclad Airframe Aluminum and Polished Aluminum. then using AK Duraluminum, Dark Aluminum, Burnt Metal, Pale Burnt Metal
26 August 2017, 15:27
Album info
First NMF work I have done in a while. felt kind of rusty. first time using Gunze Acrysion paints too.