MiG-25 RBT - 1:48 revival
3 31 August 2017, 11:21

Features: etched seatbelts, Begemot decals, added missing riveting, "upgraded" landing gear and wheel wells by adding wires, hydraulic hoses etc, modified/shortened main gear which was too long and the back of the plane was too high because of it, added missing antennaes and small parts, added some further details overall.
31 August 2017, 11:32

Fantastic work Alexander! Welcome back to modelling, it seems you haven't skipped a beat because this thing is awesome. Having built this kit in it's ICM form, I can really appreciate the work here. Your exhaust metalwork is really well done.
Bravo mate!
31 August 2017, 19:56

Well, i didn't skip modeling for 15 years, i just fiddled around with 1:72-1:144 stuff 😄
31 August 2017, 20:01

Very good. Love all the discoloration in the engine exhausts. They are hugh. I have noticed that Revell kits are a little sparse when it comes to rivet detail. I have just purchased the 1:72 Eurofighter and this has diddly squat. Could you recommend a rivet tool ?
1 September 2017, 09:20

Thanks guys!
Mike, i used the rivet maker by Trumpeter. Well it's very basic, not super high quality, the "rivets" are not round but more square because the teeth of the wheels are basically designed like on clock gears and are not round and pointy. I tried it myself the first time being skeptical at first i like the result
1 September 2017, 10:15

what a gorgeous beast! excellent. i love those engines modulation of colour! and very nice cockpit. excellent come back to 1/48 i must say!
1 September 2017, 22:38

looks great, i also did (still to finish) the ICM version its a very imposing plane. Love your take on it as well. Wondering about your shortening the main undercarriage - is it inaccurate in the kit?
2 September 2017, 07:55

Thanks a lot guys! Much appreciated!
Alistair, comparing the main carriage strut to pictures of the original it looked too long, hell the whole main gear resembles the original just approximately. Besides the main strut consisted of two halves resulting a seam at the most inappropriate places.. Aftermarket companies should have a look at it imho.
Having dry fitted the original landing gear with the wheels i found out the fuselage was almost parallel to the ground. If you look at pictures of the original however, the MiG-25 is almost a tailsitter, the back of the plane is way down which gives this beast its distinctive look. To achieve that look i made this little surgery by shortening and adjusting the angle of the main strut orienting on drawings and pictures of original. Additionally i generously flattened the tires. This solution may not be 100% elegant but i found the result and overall picture convincing.
2 September 2017, 09:22

hello alexander! today i found your big mig. i love them and your model is beautiful!
29 September 2017, 20:01

Thanks a lot guys, much appreciated, i am really glad you liked it!
30 September 2017, 10:07

Alec, Thomas, Gastón, Derek: Thank you guys, really appreciated!
30 October 2017, 16:19

Wie konnte ich dieses Schmuckstück übersehen!!!
Wenn es das erste Model nach 15 Jahren Pause ist hast du NICHTS verlernt. Oder anders herum: wenn Du so etwas aus dem Stegreif nach 15 Jahren schaffst, hätte ich mal gerne ein Modell von vor 15 Jahren gesehen. Gesamteindruck insbesondere der Bereich der Triebwerke sehr realistisch. Ein echter Hammer!
23 April 2018, 15:47

Yes, nice cans. Panel lines are just perfect, to my eye. Great work.
23 April 2018, 18:32

Where did you guys dig out this old album? 😄
Bernhard, vielen Dank für die warmen Worte! Zur Klärung muss ich sagen die 15 Jahre Pause galten nur dem Maßstab 1:48, in dieser Zeit war ich natürlich auch sehr fleißig, hab meinen Horizont nur etwas erweitert auf andere Maßstäbe und Themen. Die Modelle von damals sind überwiegend Jugendsünden, die sind nicht wirklich präsentabel 😄 Sind aber sauber und nachhaltig in Boxen im Keller "konserviert".
Thank you John! I always try to keep my models as close to the original as possible. Panel lines are easily overdone and i observe it quite often on other modelers creations with all due respect to their work. But in this case less in more imho. Your model may look more "crisp" and more eye catchy with nice dark lines but it appears more toy like and not like the real deal.
23 April 2018, 20:00

Yes, "close to the original" is my tendency in my own work. That said, I do like some paint and weathering jobs that look more dramatic. Done well, the model becomes an artistic expression and can enhance my appreciation of the subject and the artist. And sometimes I look at a precise, flawless, unweathered build and think that's what any model that's not in a diorama should look like--a perfect model of a machine as it would have rolled off the factory floor, without any blemish to betray all the parts, glue, masks, or tools used to build it.
Anyway, I liked your understated, hairline-thin panel lines!
24 April 2018, 21:28

Nice to see it once again. Outstanding. This one deserves a spot on the SM annual calendar ? I got one after seeing this.
20 May 2018, 22:19

Thanks a lot mates!
@Mike: SM annual calendar? I might have missed something 😄
21 May 2018, 10:41

Hi Alexander. Just an idea for SM community to consider. Yours would make a good January!!
21 May 2018, 14:48

Wow Alexander, die ist ja auch perfekt gelungen. Exhausts are stunning!!! Ein perfektes Biest.
23 June 2020, 20:45

Guys, you dug out an ancient album😄
Here are some better pics of this beast if you like though, I made a dedicated Gallery album:
MiG-25 RBT - GALLERY | Album by Alex G. (1:48)
24 June 2020, 07:43
Album info
After 15+ years "abstinence" i decided to return to 1:48 airplane modeling. I would like to share with you the result and would love to hear what you think of it 🙂
i've included some pictures of the building process at the end, too
cheers, Alex
Eduard Seatbelts
Begemot Decals
Additional riveting
Landing gear wiring and hydraulic hoses added
Main gear shortened to get the tail down
Additional Antennaes, small parts etc
Added details to canopy