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Nieport 17 "Flyboys"


3 2 March 2018, 18:28
Mike Daniels
 2 March 2018, 20:05
bughunter Автор
Thank you Mike! This is one of my best models!
 3 March 2018, 19:03
Murad ÖZER
beautiful job and a beautiful livery bughunter. always like to look at these ww1 biplanes. 👍
 3 March 2018, 20:18
i missed the final reveal during my holidays. absolutely stunning model!!
 14 March 2018, 16:18
Alexander Grivonev
Again an absolute gem!
 14 March 2018, 16:22
bughunter Автор
Thank you mates! This biplane will be shown on next weekend here:
4. Fürstenfelder Modellbautage 2018 (17. and 18. March, Fürstenfeldbruck DE)
 15 March 2018, 20:08
Looks great, I'd be very happy with that!
 15 March 2018, 20:13
Erik Leijdens
Amazing job.. 👍
 15 March 2018, 20:16
Daniel Klink
Wow FRank...Just the art of Modelling
 15 March 2018, 20:35
good luck with the contest 🙂
 15 March 2018, 21:02
bughunter Автор
Thanks, but I'm not sure, which one, this Nieuport or the Lebed VII (with a lot of metal and wood)?
 15 March 2018, 21:05
Alexander Grivonev
The Lebed is more impressive imo, add a building report to it because the spectator may not see at first glance what amount of work went into it!
 15 March 2018, 21:52
Clifford Keesler
Awesome job.
 15 March 2018, 22:03
bughunter Автор
I was still not sure and asked a friends 5 minutes before the contest dead line, and he answers "The red W!". So this "Flyboy" was able catch finally the Silver medal 🙂
 17 March 2018, 17:26
well deserved!
 17 March 2018, 18:10
Mike Daniels
Congratulations. Indeed, well deserved.
 17 March 2018, 20:54
Daniel Klink
Congrats Frank...👍.. Though i can't imagine what the winner model looks alike, to beat yours 🙂
 18 March 2018, 00:18
bughunter Автор
Thx my friends! Daniel, the winner was a highly detailed heli with folded parts on a ship deck, with figures etc. The class was 1/48 and smaller, so this includes also the huge 1/72 community.
 18 March 2018, 20:05
Stefaan Hoste
 31 May 2019, 12:20
Slavo Hazucha
Very nice work, looks great!
 31 May 2019, 19:35
Chris Greathouse
Another masterpiece!
 31 May 2019, 19:41
The rigging in particular is outstanding!
 31 May 2019, 19:56
bughunter Автор
Thank you all! The rigging was done with the help of Gaspatch turnbuckles.
Its a great kit, and it seems that with help by Stefaan I can do something related again.
 1 June 2019, 09:48
Stefaan Hoste
Monday morning i have more news for u . Gonna check at the post office myself about the postage costs
 1 June 2019, 10:08

Album info

The gallery of the finished model.

140 зображення
1:48 Nieuport Ni-17 (Eduard 1125)1:48 Le Rhone 9J (110 hp) Engine (Small Stuff 48106)4+
Nieuport 17
FR Aéronautique Militaire Française (French Air Force 1909-1934)
N.1653 (Blaine Rawlings)

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