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Sebastijan Videc (InFlames)

MiG-21MF in progress


12 April 2018, 21:26
Greg Baker
Oh, I want to see how this goes together. I'm in.
 12 April 2018, 22:08
Following. What is "Library Edition"?
 13 April 2018, 18:15
Łukasz Gliński
Nice topic, but cockpit looks bit greenish - is it just me or the white balance setting?
 13 April 2018, 18:57
Oleg Bogolei
watching. 🙂
 13 April 2018, 19:29
Sebastijan Videc Автор
@Cuajete - it's a pre-order version of the kit. The kit itself will start selling sometime in May.
@Lukasz - couldn't get the WB setting right so I just gave up. Though I was sitting in 21 cockpit that was as green, too 🙂
 14 April 2018, 07:09
Thank you Sebastijan.
 14 April 2018, 17:00
John Thomas
Nice start
 14 April 2018, 17:23
Stefan Schacht
nice start, i take a seat 🙂
 14 April 2018, 19:39
Me too.
 15 April 2018, 09:20
Sebastijan Videc Автор
Thanks, guys! More soon!
 15 April 2018, 15:56
Watching too ... 🙂
 23 April 2018, 06:33
Konrad -
Yup I'm in too. Looks very nice so far👍
 23 April 2018, 06:35
Łukasz Gliński
Could you give us some review regarding that new kit (I wonder how's the fit), Sebastijan?
 23 April 2018, 10:54
Alec K
Nice progress so far, the cockpit looks great 👍
 23 April 2018, 12:41
Sebastijan Videc Автор
Thanks guys! Lukasz - check the descriptions under the photos😉 I will published a wip article on my blog as well. But generally fit is very good with just a few little problematic areas so far... but really nothing serious and too much time consuming.
 23 April 2018, 18:36
Łukasz Gliński
Thanks, it looks really promising. 👍 However I have to admit some of the captions are too long and have been cut (e.g. pic 8 )
 23 April 2018, 19:32
Sebastijan Videc Автор
oh, sorry about that... didn't know there's a character limit... I'll try to fix that.
 23 April 2018, 20:17
Hanno Kleinecke
Great NMF !
 28 April 2018, 19:42
Alec K
Excellent progress 👍
 29 April 2018, 03:26
excellent job on that cockpit. it looks superb! and NMF is turning really good too 🙂
 29 April 2018, 10:13
Sebastijan Videc Автор
Thanks, guys!
 29 April 2018, 19:00
Maciej Bellos
Superb variations on the NMF!
 30 April 2018, 21:41
Pierre-Christian Baudru
Great job !
 1 May 2018, 10:47
Bernhard Schrock
Looks very promising!
 1 May 2018, 10:53
Sebastijan Videc Автор
Thanks a lot, guys!
 1 May 2018, 20:12
B. M.
Great job so far
 5 May 2018, 18:17
Greg Baker
Looking fantastic!
 6 May 2018, 00:13
Sebastijan Videc Автор
Thank you Benoit and Greg!
 6 May 2018, 05:02
Pierre-Christian Baudru
Great job Seb, what about the air intake edges ? Did you sand this part ?
 6 May 2018, 07:28
Christian Ristits
Looks great Sebastijan, fantastic!
 6 May 2018, 08:00
Sebastijan Videc Автор
Thanks guys!

Pierre-Christian - which edge are you talking about, front or rear? Rear took a little bit of sanding to blend with the fuselage but nothing serios. Front lip is maybe a bit too thick, but nothing drastic.
 6 May 2018, 10:13
Pierre-Christian Baudru
Thanks Seb, I was talking about the front lips....btw, great job your Mig-21 will be outstanding as usual ! I can't wait to start one of this kit. Cheers.
 6 May 2018, 10:16
Martin Oostrom
Great job with all those decals and stencils. She's fabulous
 8 May 2018, 16:33
Awesome work.
 8 May 2018, 16:48
Konrad -
Congrats to this amazing MIG 👍
 8 May 2018, 17:22
Christian Bruer
Very nice work so far 👍
 8 May 2018, 18:35
Michael Phillips
Fantastic work Sebastian, as usual! That is one beautiful MiG!
 9 May 2018, 01:50
it certainly looks fantastic!
 9 May 2018, 06:12
Sebastijan Videc Автор
Thanks guys! Should be finished in a day or two.
 9 May 2018, 08:10
Christian Ristits
Awesome work! Eduard should use. this as reference!
 9 May 2018, 09:28

Project info

43 зображення
1:72 MiG-21MF (Eduard 2124)

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