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Terry Healey (frozenrabbit471)

Ford Mustang Shelby GT 350H by Revell

Photo 1 of 26


23 April 2018, 00:03
John Heim
The interior is impressive. Nice detail painting. Did you use flocking in the tub?
 9 March 2019, 01:25
Terry Healey Автор
my apologies John but I dont know what flocking is. I merely painted it with a brush. no special technique. But thank you
 9 March 2019, 15:30
John Heim
Flocking is a real fine fuzzy powder that looks like carpet when put on the model and painted over or white glued.
 9 March 2019, 23:18
Terry Healey Автор
ah, nope. I just used matte colour.
 10 March 2019, 14:52

Project info

26 зображення
1:24 Shelby Mustang GT 350H (Revell 85-2482)

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