Avro Vulcan
Photo 1 of 36
1 12 May 2018, 05:40

Thank you! I was going to try rolling plasticard, but when I was given the brass tubing suggestion, that seemed the better option
12 May 2018, 18:45

So more painting done. I started the topside camo. Every pic I have seen of the Vulcans show rather crisp lines between the colors. And as this is going to be an aircraft that was flown to retirement and kept whole, I am quite sure the paint was pretty clean and crisp. So, not want ting to mask something this size twice, and not wanting to simply cover the entire top in gray the mask the green, I came up with this solution.
Using colored pencils, I drew the pattern on and marked the areas that are gray. This way I could freehand this part and not lose track of what is what. I have never done this British camo scheme, so its not like when I do an SEA and barely have to look at a pic. I sprayed the areas a little wide to give me room to mask and overlap the green. The black will become green.
21 May 2018, 03:36

I did the pencil thingy once, skipped a line while painting. Ended up with a freestyle camo. 🙁
Yours looks fine though 👍
21 May 2018, 06:46

OK, so I got her masked then the green sprayed. I stopped halfway through the masking last night to watch the CAPS kick Lightning butt. 😄 Finsihed up and sprayed tonight.
Considering I have never done the Brit green/gray camo before, I think it came out flipping awesome. Yes, i do have to do touch ups, but still.
25 May 2018, 04:06

She looks fine to me Donald, like yours Always do 👍
Last time I saw a caps game on tv, Mike Gartner was the man. 😉
25 May 2018, 07:14

Martin, wow! That was a bit ago! LOL Well, if you watch the Cup finals next week, you will see them! 😄
And thank you sir. 🙂
25 May 2018, 11:07

Thank you gentlemen!
Clifford, you were busy with those bikes!
26 May 2018, 04:18

Cool project on an amazing plane 👍! Your bomber squad increases fast Donald!😉
26 May 2018, 05:41

Konrad, when I was younger I wouldn't build them. Only fighters. Once I got older and wiser...
26 May 2018, 20:05

Though there were two exceptions to that. This kit and the B-36.
26 May 2018, 22:54

Very nice Sir! It comes out nicely👍 looking forward to the finished one 😉.
30 May 2018, 05:13

Top side decals all on and dull coated. (I know, I missed the tail number on the one side. Just pretend its there because it will be tomorrow) Gotta say, I am loving these decals! They are on par with Cartograf. Props to Wolfpack.
31 May 2018, 02:16

Looking good. I'll never forget watching a Vulcan at an airshow at Biggin Hill. So graceful as she manoeuvred in the air, then a slow low level run along the runway before throttling up at the end and going into a wing over. The noise was incredible! You felt it in your chest and it set a whole load of car alarms off.
31 May 2018, 12:37

@Don: camo looks great!
@Gareth: Same story, seen it only once in the very same place and want to build one some day ever since 👍
31 May 2018, 20:45

You both make me jealous! I have never seen one in real life at all.
31 May 2018, 22:09

OK folks, she is all done! I am rather happy with how this one came out. The kit, as old as it is, did not fight me nearly as hard as others have. The fit issues were not awful and totally expected. I do remember that I was totally pissed with the intakes the first time I built it in the 80s. They looked horrid. thank God for after market!
i just need to figure out how to dress up wheel wells. Its something I am at a loss as to how to do it. I have a vague idea, but only an idea.
Anyway, hope you all like her.
3 June 2018, 23:41

Looking good Donald. Always makes me think of 'Thuderball' the Bond Movie.
4 June 2018, 12:28

Mike, a number of people have said that on FB! LOL I need to re watch it because damned if I remember that.
And thank you both. 🙂
4 June 2018, 21:21
Album info
The venerable 1/72 MPC (Airfix re box) Avro Vulcan